This is one of a series of posts on extending the preceding posts on frequency effects to more embedding techniques and more corpora. In this post I look at some embeddings based on large corpora, embeddings which have been widely used as sample testbeds. In particular, I will be examining the Google News embeddings, the GLoVe embeddings and the FastText English embeddings.
Show Code
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from dfewe import *
from dfewe_nb.nb_utils import *
from dfewe_nb.freq_tests import run_tests as testfs
#to free up memory
def delete_gn():
if 'gn_vecs' in globals():
global gn_vecs, gn_sampler
del gn_vecs
del gn_sampler
def delete_glove():
if 'glove_vecs' in globals():
global glove_vecs, glove_sampler
del glove_vecs
del glove_sampler
def delete_ft():
if 'ft_vecs' in globals():
global ft_vecs, ft_sampler
del ft_vecs
del ft_sampler
#set up standard corpora + vectors
vfair_all = Setup.make_standard_sampler_and_vecs('vfair',5,100,1) #window=5, dims=100, min_count=1
heartd_all = Setup.make_standard_sampler_and_vecs('heartd',5,100,1) #window=5, dims=100, min_count=1
what = [['Vanity Fair (vfair)'],['Heart of Darkness (heartd)']]
for i,c in enumerate([vfair_all,heartd_all]):
sampler = c['sampler']
what[i].extend([sum(sampler.counts.values()), len(sampler.counts)])
show_table(what, headers=['Corpus','Tokens','Types'], title="Corpora sizes")
Unfortunately for us, pretrained word embeddings do not typically provide detailed information about the frequencies of the items. (In fact, I have not come across any that do.) At best, published information describes the corpus and a bit about how the embeddings were created.
However, we can make a crude estimate of the word frequencies by using a simplified version of Zipf's law, which says that the frequency of the i-th ranked word is roughly proportional to the inverse of the rank.
$$freq(i) ≅ \frac{k}{i}$$While there are lots of issues with Zipf's law, it will have to do for our purposes. The trick is how to calculate k, since it varies from one corpus to another. For the rank, it seems like the words in the embedding are ordered by their frequency, so we can get the rank directly from the embedding. We need a frequency estimate for one word in order to calculate k. Given the difference between the actual distribution of words and Zipf's law, a medium-high ranked word would work best, but since this approach is so crude, it doesn't matter much.
For Google News, the description says that the minimum frequency of words included is 5, so we can calculate k from a low ranked word, e.g. RAFFAELE (rank = 2,999,996):
$$k_{GN} = i * freq(i) ⇒ k_{GN} = 2,999,996 * 5 ⇒ k_{GN} = 14,999,980$$For GLoVe and FastText, we'll procede a bit differently since we do not have any frequency information at all about the words included. From the Google ngram viewer, we can get the relative frequency of dog in the year 2000, which is 0.0040587344%. Since the description of GLoVe said they had approximately 6,000,000,000 tokens, the frequency of dog (rank = 2927) in the GLoVe vectors is roughly: 0.0040587344% * 6,000,000,000 = 243,524. So we have:
$$k_G = i * freq(i) ⇒ k_G = 2927 * 243,524 ⇒ k_G = 712,794,748$$For FastText, with a corpus of 16,000,000,000, we get 0.0040587344% * 16,000,000,000 = 649,398 and so, with rank(dog) = 2370:
$$k_{FT} = i * freq(i) ⇒ k_{FT} = 2370 * 649,398 ⇒ k_{FT} = 1,539,073,260$$Alternatively, since the bulk of the FastText corpus is from Wikipedia, we can use the first 1B words of Wikipedia (helpful instructions here) to estimate the frequency of dog. When we do that, we get 800,246. So k' (which is used here) is:
$$k_{FT}' = i * freq(i) ⇒ k_{FT}' = 2370 * 800,246 ⇒ k_{FT}' = 1,896,583,020$$The discrepancy between the estimates shows just how crude they are.
def show_first(vecs, name, n=30):
show_table([[i,x] for i,x in enumerate(vecs.index2entity[:n])],[],'First %d words from %s' % (n,name))
def test_common_words(vecs,name):
testwds = ['a','an','the','about','from','in','of','to','out','up','very']
d = []
for w in testwds:
if w in vecs.vocab:
win = 'True'
win = '<b>False</b>'
d.append([w, win])
w = w.capitalize()
if w in vecs.vocab:
win = 'True'
win = '<b>False</b>'
d.append([w, w in vecs.vocab])
show_table(d,['Word','In %s' % name],'Test of some English words in %s' % name)
def test_non_english_words(vecs,name,topn=5,lowercase=False):
testwds = ['English','butterfly','cat','dog','the',
if lowercase:
testwds = [w.lower() for w in testwds]
d = []
for w in testwds:
if w in vecs.vocab:
sims = [w, ', '.join([x[0] for x in vecs.similar_by_word(w,topn=topn)])]
sims = [w,'N.A.']
show_table(d,['Word','%d Most similar' % topn],
'Test of possible non-English words in %s' % name)
There are a variety of other issues with many pretrained embeddings. One issue is that some of them (e.g. Google News and GLoVe) include phrases in addition to words. I have filtered those out here.
Another issue is that there are often some non-word items included, such as punctuation. Here are the top 30 items for FastText. (Information for the other 2 corpora are in the appendix.)
ft_vecs, ft_sampler = Setup.setup_FT_English()
print("Vocabulary: %d\tDimensions: %d" % (len(ft_vecs.vocab), ft_vecs.vector_size))
show_first(ft_vecs,'FastText English',30)
The embeddins also differ in terms of whether the items are case sensitive, and even which words are included — Google News does not include of though it does include Of (see the appendix. This table shows that FastText is case sensitive.
test_common_words(ft_vecs,'FastText English')
Yet another issue to be aware of is the presence of non-English words. Here we have some results for FastText English, testing synonyms in English, French, German and Italian. There are quite a number of non-English words. (Again, information for the other 2 corpora are in the appendix.)
test_non_english_words(ft_vecs, 'FastText English')
Continuing with FastText, we can look for frequency and distributional effects using the summary tests from the previous post. First the test results in the table. Unfortunately, the tests for stratfication of rank and of reciprocity take extremely long for large vocabularies, so I will omit them here.
smplr = ft_sampler
vs = ft_vecs
name = 'FastText'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
We see strong results for the encoding of frequency in the vectors, but only moderate skewing of similarities and stratification of frequencies. When we compare these results with the results of FastText with Vanity Fair, we see that the relative strengths are reversed, as is the direction of stratification:
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['ft']
name = 'Vanity Fair with FastText'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
Next the visualization based tests. Again, the large vocabulary poses challenges, this time for the power law test, so we'll use a stratified (by percentile) sampling of the vocabulary rather than the whole vocabulary.
smplr = ft_sampler
vs = ft_vecs
name = 'FastText'
tests = ['vpowers','dpmean','dims']
For FastText large scale English vectors, we see a solid powerlaw relation for the k-nearest neighbors, and the dot product trend is the same as that observed in [4]. The most striking result is the dimension values: they are all tightly clustered around 0, unlike any of the other vectors, which show much greater dispersion.
For comparison, we have FastText used with Vanity Fair, where the power law is not particularly evident, and it's an inverse relation, unlike with other vectors.
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['ft']
name = 'Vanity Fair with FastText'
tests = ['vpower','dpmean','dims']
The hub tests also take a long time, so I will omit them as well.
#smplr = ft_sampler
#vs = ft_vecs
#name = 'FastText'
#tests = ['hubs','hubp']
Next up is the Google News, which is a cbow approach. Here the frequency encoding is weak to moderate, as is the stratification of frequencies.
gn_vecs, gn_sampler = Setup.setup_GoogleNews()
print("Vocabulary: %d\tDimensions: %d" % (len(gn_vecs.vocab), gn_vecs.vector_size))
smplr = gn_sampler
vs = gn_vecs
name = 'Google News'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
Since the Google News vectors were created with cbow version of word2vec, we can compare them to the cbow vectors for Vanity Fair. The results are similar, except for the direction of the frequency stratification, which is direct for Google News, but inverse for Vanity Fair.
vfair_all['cbow'] = Setup.make_vecs('cbow', vfair_all['sampler'].sents, 1,5,100,init_sims=True) #window=5, dims=100, min_count=1
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['cbow']
name = 'Vanity Fair with cbow'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
We can now turn to the visual results, where we see a fairly good powerlaw relation. The dot product trend is also similar to what we saw with sgns.
smplr = gn_sampler
vs = gn_vecs
name = 'Google News'
tests = ['vpowers','dpmean','dims']
When we compare Google News with Vanity Fair, we see that Vanity Fair does not have a great powerlaw relationship, and the dot product trend is not as clear as it is with Google News.
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['cbow']
name = 'Vanity Fair with cbow'
tests = ['vpower','dpmean','dims']
#smplr = gn_sampler
#vs = gn_vecs
#name = 'Google News'
#tests = ['hubs','hubp']
Finally, we turn to GLoVe. It shows a strong encoding of frequency, but only a moderate skewing of similarities, and a weak, direct, frequency stratification. A similar pattern is seen with GLoVe vectors for Vanity Fair below, though the encoding of frequency is more moderate.
glove_vecs,glove_sampler = Setup.setup_Glove_pre(100)
print("Vocabulary: %d\tDimensions: %d" % (len(glove_vecs.vocab), glove_vecs.vector_size))
smplr = glove_sampler
vs = glove_vecs
name = 'GLoVe'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['glove']
name = 'Vanity Fair with glove'
tests = ['vfreq','sksim','stfreq'] #,'strank','strecip']
In the last comparison, we have the visual results. The powerlaw is fairly good, and the dot product trend confirms the result in [4]. However, when we look at Vanity Fair, the dot product trend is more like what we see with sgns and cbow, not what we see with the large corpus GLoVe vectors.
smplr = glove_sampler
vs = glove_vecs
name = 'GLoVe'
tests = ['vpowers','dpmean','dims']
smplr = vfair_all['sampler']
vs = vfair_all['glove']
name = 'Vanity Fair with glove'
tests = ['vpower','dpmean','dims']
#smplr = glove_sampler
#vs = glove_vecs
#name = 'GLoVe'
#tests = ['hubs','hubp']
To sum up, here we have a summary of the summaries:
FastText | cbow | GLoVe | ||||
large | vfair | large | vfair | large | vfair | |
freq encoded | strong | moderate | moderate | weak+ | strong | moderate+ |
skewed sims | moderate | strong | moderate | moderate | moderate | weak |
freq stratified | moderate direct | strong inverse | moderate direct | moderate inverse | weak direct | moderate direct |
powerlaw | good | inverse | good | so-so | good | so-so |
dot product | decreasing pos | decreasing pos | decreasing pos | mixed | decreasing pos to neg | decreasing pos to neg |
In addition, we saw that FastText English had an unusual distribution of dimension values, clustered tightly around 0.
Some patterns among the summaries:
Finally, we can note that overall there is only moderate skewing of similarities, although that is what prompted this investigation.
[1] Google News:, published as Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Gregory S. Corrado, and Jeffrey Dean. 2013. Distributed representations of words and phrases and their composi- tionality. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2013. Proceedings of a meeting held December 5-8, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States. 3111–3119.
[2] Glove:, pubished as "GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation" Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2014. pp. 1532--1543
[3] FastText (English):, published as Tomas Mikolov, Edourd Grave, Piotr Bojanowski, Christian Puhrsch, and Armand Joulin. 2018. Advances in Pre-Training Distributed Word Representations. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).
[4] David Mimno and Laure Thompson. 2017. The strange geometry of skip-gram with negative sampling. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2873–2878.
gn_vecs, gn_sampler = Setup.setup_GoogleNews()
glove_vecs,glove_sampler = Setup.setup_Glove_pre(100)
test_non_english_words(glove_vecs,'Glove', lowercase=True)