I have created a variety of freely available visualization tools:
DoubleTreeJS is a reimplementation of Double Tree in JavaScript for a compact, interactive view of Keyword in Context (KWIC), concordance information. Additional functionality suggested in Culy & Lyding 2010a is implemented. Updated February 2016
KWICis is a modern concordance (keyword in context = KWIC) visualization that is interactive and designed for structured data. Updated September 2017
KWICis is meant to complement DoubleTreeJS.
ProD is an experimental advanced visualization for tree(-like) structures (e.g. constitutent structures, dependency structures, etc.)
Extended Linguistic Dependency Diagrams (xLDDs) is a visualization tool specialized for the graphical presentation of dependency structures and the dynamic interaction with these visualizations. (Download local copy)
Double Tree is a visualization component targeted to support exploratory corpus analysis, with particular focus on analyzing concordances.
Structured Parallel Coordinates is a javascript data visualization tool which is a specialized version of Parallel Coordinates (see, for example, Inselberg 2009).
Slash/A is an ngram viewer for corpora with dated documents. It’s a tool created by two former students of mine: Slava Todorova and Maria Chinkina.
Demos of some other prototypes I have worked on can be seen at the LInfoVis page at EURAC, including:
Corpus Clouds is a novel interface to a corpus query engine, with the aim of aiding the user in exploratory search by providing, in an easy to comprehend visual form, information about the frequency and distribution of the search results in combination with the standard KWIC elements.
(Download local copy of demo Requires at least Java 1.5)
Comparison Arcs is a proof of concept of a way to compare linguistic properties of multiple documents by means of graphical displays.
(Download local copy of demo Requires at least Java 1.5)
End to End is a visualization component targeted to exploratory corpus analysis with special focus on analyzing collocations.